Kyosho Mini-Z Racer Definitive Guide

Why Mini-Z

There is nothing out there that is comparable to Mini-Z. - First, there is an entire collection of detailed scale bodies available. The bodies are so well made that many people collect just the bodies. Is more fun running a R/C car with a nice body than an generic shell. - Handling and control is good. Mini-Z don't have sophisticated suspensions, but the layout is similar to 1/12 scale R/C pan cars. They have competitive handling. -Quality components. Mini-Z are a workhorse. You can run them day in and day out, and they just keep on going with minimal maintenance. -Minimal space requirement. A track can be laid out in a spare room or in the garage. A full size track can be laid out in a driveway. Advantage of being able to run anywhere is you get more time to practice. Is hard to practice when you have to drive an hour to get to a track. -Improves skill for moving up to 1/10 scale. Once you have the basics of R/C car down, the skill is transferable to larger R/C cars. Mini-Z is like in Formula-1 racing where famous racers start out in go-karts and move up. Of course, many people don't care about the high cost of larger R/C cars especially gas ones.

Unfortunately, with the vast combinations of cars and chassis and hop-up parts, learning about Mini-Zs can be confusing for beginners. This site is an attempt to put all that together into a definitive guide a little at a time. This site mainly focus on Mini-Z racers. There are other mini-z series like the mini-z lit which is a even smaller car, MA-010 AWD, the Overland which is a 2WD off-road vehicle with truck body and the mini-z monster with large tires. They are outside the scope of this website. The MA-010 AWD is a very competative car. Many argue is faster than 2WD mini-z. However like a high performance car, it does require a lot of cost up front to make it reliable, and requires more maintenance and expense to run especially if you run it more powerful modified motor. I like the simplicity of a 2WD.

Comprehensive Bodies Data Base

Mini-Z Maintenance and Tips

Basic Suspension and Springs

Chassis Set-Up 1

Chassis Set-Up 2

PN Spring Data

Cornering Methods in a Mini-Z

Mini-Z Guide Book on Amazon

Motor Mounts Selection


FETs Details

FET Installation Procedure

Alternative Radios for Mini-Z

Throttle End Point Setting Tips

Mini-Z Radio Systems Summary

Untangle the cryptic radio systems available.

Replacement Part Sources

Tire Testing Data

Build Your Own Laser Track Timer

AD Band Tuning

MR02 ASF Manager

AWD Drivetrain Set-Up

Must Do Before Driving!

Convert MR015 to and from MR020 Tips

Motors and Pinion

Extended Gear Ratio Chart (Include tire diameter)

For Sale

A-Arm Suspension Tips


MR03 ASF Manager

Links & Forums




 Technical Corner


Non-Mini-Z Topic:

Be All You Can Be! .. Join the Spiritual War:

Dad's book




Nice Mini-Z bodies

A RM and MM to cover all driving styles.


So Cal Local Racing

Kenon Hobbies

Matsushima Mini-Z - Very nice two level track. Location MPT Mini-Z 1012 w. 9th st Upland CA 91786 Phone # 909.985.2073 - Monday 12pm-10pm,Wednesday 12pm-10pm ,Thursday 12pm-10pm,Sunday 12pm-10pm

Net Zone - Large size elevated track -1505 S Riverside Ave, Rialto, CA?- (909) 877-2648?

Kamikaze Toys and Hobbies is suppose to have a race every Friday 6:00-7:00 3116 East Chapman Ave. Orange 92869

S.R.C. Small Riders for Christ For age 16 and under and sometimes adults too- is the place to be. Rod Harris from SRC is running a HAFY race series once a month for adults in Whittier. All are welcome. Contact him for more info.

OC RC : Off-road RC in Huntington Beach. It cater to offroad buggies, but recently installed a mini-z track. Racing on Thursdays.

ZRacer: An active Mini-Z club in Helsinki area. Be sure to drop by if you are around Finland.

Scvrc: Santa Clara. Both dirt track and Mini-Z track in SoCal.


Nor Cal Tracks:

Inside Line Racing - Santa Clara CA - Saturday Night 6-9pm

Fast Pace Racing Race track in Bay Area. Looks like they have a very nice racetrack.

All Speed Hobbies - Large track in San Francisco - 230 S Spruce Ave S San Francisco, CA 94080-4550 Phone: (650) 872-2012

Nor Cal Hobbies in Fremont CA - Mini-Z running in summer. In winter, the indoor space is used for 1/10 electric. Summer time, the larger scale can go to the outside track.

Hobby Town in Petaluma CA - Corner of E. Washington and N. McDowell Blvd. Petaluma CA 94954 Wed 6-9pm (707) 762-2176

Others Web Pages:

Micro Heli






Comments or suggestion, you can email me at benmlee at yahoo dot com.